-I forgot how slow you move when your character doesn’t have
running shoes. I don’t need a bike but running shoes are indispensable.
-Totodile is one of my top three all-time favourite
starter Pokémon.
-The last Pokémon game I played was Pokémon Platinum and
I like the look and the design in Platinum. Using the game menu in Heart Gold
is slower and not as user friendly than it was in Platinum. I realized that you
have the Poketch or whatever it’s called on the second screen in Platinum but
Heart Gold is really not a two screen kind of game and the use of the second
screen seems forced and unnatural. Let’s hope I get used to it.
-Sweet. An old man gave me running shoes. Zooooooom!
-Level 3 Caterpie vs. Level 4 Metapod that only knows
harden; longest fight of my life. Yay, Caterpie won!
-There's already a nice variety of Pokémon so early on in
the game. I'm pleasantly surprised by that.
-I picked up an egg from Mr. Pokémon and brought it to
Professor Elm. He kept the egg. Isn’t he supposed to give it to me? Will I get
it later? Togepiiiiiiiii.
-Note: Don’t run out of Pokéballs. Go to the Pokémart
then go and catch a Mareep. I love Mareep.
-I really like that you have a Pokémon following you
around Pokémon Yellow Pikachu style.
-Oh Wooper, you’re so darn cute. Water and Ground is a
great type combination for a Pokémon. Wooper’s evolved form is actually a
pretty strong Pokémon due to the type combo too bad he looks so dumb.
-Aw, Mareep is adorable when it follows you around. I’m
trying not to run around in circles just to see it follow me.
-It sucks for Falkner that wild Mareep are running around
in the tall grass after dark. His birds Pokémon don’t stand a chance. It’s even
sadder when you consider the strength of Mareep’s special attack and that it
learns ThunderShock at level 10, only four levels higher than what you can easily find
in the wild. The game designers really make it easy for you with the first Gym
-Mareep is at level 8. Two more levels to go and I’ll
take on Falkner. It’s all happening tomorrow!
Pokémon caught: Totodile
(kind of), Rattata, Sentret, Pidgey, Spearow, Caterpie, Wooper, Mareep and Bellsprout.
Pokémon traded:
Traded Bellsprout for Onyx.
Gym Leader
defeated: None.
Fights with
Craphat (Rival): One fight against his starter Pokémon. I crushed him.
Evolutions: None.
Pokémon in party:
Totodile, Mareep, Pidgey, Caterpie and Bellsprout.
Highest level in
party: Totodile, level 15.
Lowest level in
party: Caterpie, level 4.
Pokédex: 10
Time played:
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