This series
originally began with a focus on science fiction short stories. I think it’s a
genre that works really well with this particular form of writing and it’s
given me the opportunity to read more short stories and more science fiction,
two things I feel I don’t do often enough. However, Short Story Sunday is the
home of all short stories and I’m pleased to say that we’re diving head first
into the fantasy genre. I’ve reviewed some of Robert E. Howard’s original Conan the Barbarian stories here too, but
that’s just not enough! Short Story Sunday needs more fantasy and can’t limit
itself to muscular barbarians and squishy monsters. There is plenty of room for
other fantasy stories such as those of politically minded Hobbits and Travelling
“Senator Bilbo” by Andy Duncan
Read in Year’s Best Fantasy 2 (2002), edited by David
G. Hartwell and Kathryn Cramer (uncredited)
Originally published
in Starlight 3 (2001), edited by Patrick
Nielsen Hayden
This story is based
on a simple idea. What if the infamous white supremacist senator Theodore G.
Bilbo was a descendant of Bilbo Baggins? Well, we’d end up with a filibustering,
speech spewing, and racist hobbit. There isn’t much more to this story than
playing out that idea, but it’s very well done and quite enjoyable.