I have to say the archaic writing style made the story feel really old
which suits the book perfectly as it is a tale from the First Age in Tolkien’s
legendarium. The writing style reminded me of Homer’s style of writing,
especially the way Tolkien mentions the lineage of a person in the earlier
chapters of the book. I also like that the novel is written in a matter-of-fact way.
Tolkien tells you what happens as much as he lets it happen through the
dialogue and the actions of the characters. Some people do not like the “tell
and not show” style but when telling a story that is supposed to have happened
a very, very long time ago it works exceptionally well. It’s almost as if the
story is so old there are a few details missing, that explains why the writing
is clear and to the point because only the most important details have survived
through the ages.
Morgoth is an interesting villain. Like many villains he lets his
henchmen do much of his bidding but when it is required Morgoth will take a
more central role such as with his confrontation with Húrin. Some might
complain that Morgoth does not play large enough a role in the novel. I don't
think so. I’m fine with that; this is after all the story of Húrin’s children.
The main character is Túrin and later on his sister Niënor plays a larger role.
Besides, Morgoth’s evil is felt throughout.
The way Tolkien writes about magic is very interesting. It’s almost a
religious magic in the sense that objects and people can be blessed or cursed
according to the spell caster’s wishes. For example, a black blade may be
forged by a powerful Dark Elf and seek to drink the blood of its victims as
well as choose if and when to change masters. It’s a blade blessed with
sentience and in some hands it may be a blessing for the good deeds it
accomplishes in the hands of a good person but it may choose to change hands
and be a curse to those that wield it by taking the lives of loved ones. As
well, a person may be cursed, like it’s the case for Húrin, who is cursed to
see with the sight of Morgoth and witness the hardships of his children.
The Children of Húrin is a tragedy; it’s
unreasonable to expect a happy ending. In the tradition of classical tragedies,
it doesn’t end well for many of the characters. It’s interesting how different
in tone this book is compared to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Good and
Evil are also portrayed different, they are more nuanced than in those two
earlier books (published earlier but placed much later in the history of
Middle-Earth). Túrin is the hero but throughout the book he does some terrible,
qualitatively evil, things. Can we still consider him a hero despite his
actions? You can if you remind yourself he’s been under a curse for most of his
life. The evil actions he commits are done because of the curse, he’s not
entirely in control of his fate and it makes for a tragic hero. I’m certain an
English Major would have much to say on the character of Túrin and many other
interesting and flawed characters found in the book.
This book is good for the same reason most of Tolkien’s books are good.
There is a real sense of history to these stories. Finishing Children of Húrin you are left wanting
more, much more. I was so curious about the history of the First Age and of the
geography of Beleriand. Being much more familiar with the history of
Middle-Earth during The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, I was a bit lost and
confused when I first started to read The
Children of Húrin but after poking around online and in my Tolkien related
books such as A Guide to Tolkien by David
Day. I found the First Age to be perhaps more fascinating and engrossing than
the events that take place near the end of the Third Age. Having read the book
I wanted to know more of Morgoth, the hidden city of Gondolin and Turgon its
king, I wanted to know more of the elves of Goliath, King Thingol,
Melian, Eol, Beleg, Mîm the last of the Petty Dwarves, I wanted to know
more of Glaurung, father of Dragons, Fingolfin, Faënor and his sons, I would
like to know more of Húrin and his father and brother and more on the Battle of
Unnumbered Tears.
The Children of Húrin is a short novel but it’s dense and immensely
engrossing. Tolkien impresses us with the depth and scope of his story without
sacrificing story and character. I genuinely cared about many of the characters
and that’s one of the reasons I want to know more about them. I want to know
more of the world and its times because I know we’re only scratching the
surface of the history of Middle-Earth and Tolkien makes that clear in his storytelling.
As for the characters, that’s where this book shines whether it’s a short
appearance by Turgon or the continuing story of the life of Túrin, they
fascinated me and I want to read so much more about them. Good thing I’ve never
read The Silmarillion.
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