Ellis sets the tone of his version of the DCU in the
first four pages. A man wishes to jump off a building to commit suicide. He
says he wants to be one of the suicide jumpers Superman doesn’t catch. In the
next page he jumps and falls. In the third page he falls on top of a car. The
fourth page we jump to Superman who says: “Dammit.” To which Lois Lane replies
“You can’t catch them all, Smallville.” It’s important to mention that the man jumped
at night and when we see Superman on the fourth page it is daytime. I
interpreted this as a second suicide jumper or another event in which someone
gets injured or killed and Superman wasn’t able to help. This is not a
Metropolis where Superman can or will save everyone. Because of his super
senses he is forced to witness all the crimes in Metropolis.
That’s ok though because Superman isn’t Batman. Something
like that would drive Batman insane but only Batman, Superman doesn’t have a
war on Crime. He simply helps out. He helps wherever he goes but he doesn’t
lose him mind trying to solve all of the world’s problems. It reminds me
somewhat of Grant Morrison’s take on Superman where he acts as an example for
humanity to save themselves. He won’t solve all the world’s problems himself
for fear of taking away humanity’s individuality and freedom and end up being
something like a dictator (find another word for dictator). Ellis doesn’t seem
to want to go so far with his take on Superman. He seems to want to acknowledge
that Superman logistically can’t be everywhere despite his superpowers.
Superman does have to learn to live with that undeniable truth, though.
Ellis adds other revisionist twists, most specifically
with the powers of the members of the Justice League. Ellis doesn’t provide
realist updates of all of the members; he chooses instead to concentrate on a
few of them, notably on the Flash.
Batman has scars but so does the Flash. His body is not
riddled with them such as it is with Batman but he has at least one large scar
which serves as a reminder of how he got his powers. It’s as if back when he
was just a regular human he was able to be scared. Now that he’s a superhuman
the only scars he has are those that were present before his transformation.
That would explain why people like Wonder Woman, Superman, and J’onn J’onzz who
have been thrown through countless walls and windows bear/bare no scars.
They’re superhuman and that serves as a good enough explanation. It’s not the
case for Batman. He’s very much human and his scars have been shown in many
comics by many different artists. It brings us to Green Lantern. His ring
shields him. I’m sure when he gets hit and thrown towards a mountain his will
is cleary telling his ring to protect him, much like a regular person would
life up their arms to protect themselves from a physical blow. He’s got no
scars because his super weapon protects him. In short it’s a neat little update
for Flash that doesn’t drastically change his character but redefines in an
interesting and effective way.
Ellis allows concentrates a lot on Flash’s super powers.
He has to be conscious of the effects of his superspeed on the people and
things around him. He desmonstrates this in the use of caption boxes: “Four
steps and I need to slow down now, or else the bow wave from a dead stop will
explode Linda’s internal organs when I pause to –”.
I imagine Superman and other super strong characters have
to constantly keep their strength in check while interacting with people and
objects around them but Flash has to do that as well. For a character such as
Wally West you get a sense that he has a lot of restraint when it comes to the
use of his powers and it sheds new light on his as a hero. He has to be
conscious of the effects his presence has on his surroundings at the cost of
being the cause of more destruction as opposed to the help he is there to
Jackson (or Butch) Guice draws Lois like a super model.
That’s not a problem in itself but he also dresses her like a model from a
magazine advertisement. For crying out loud, her blouse doesn’t even cover her
midsection! Does the Daily Planet even have a dress code?
In opposition to Lois, Guice draws Wonder Woman in a
relaxed version of her iconic swimsuit costume. She looks more comfortable
wearing her off-duty clothes. It seems like a good choice of clothing for her
while on Themyscira due to what can only be near tropical weather. Where is Themyscira
anyway? In the middle of the Greek Islands?
As a complete package, JLA Classified: New Maps of
Hell is peppered with sharp dialogue courtesy of Warren Ellis. Guice’s artwork
does a good show of showing off Ellis’s interesting realist updates on old
characters effectively. Unfortunately his inspired idea for Wonder Woman’s
costume is opposed by Lois showing off extra skin while at work. I’m not
entirely sure if Guice was inspired by another artist for Diana’s off duty look
but he pulls it off very well here. It’s not at all an essential Justice League
story, if anything its quite disposable, but it’s a disposable story but two
professional comics creators and it makes for an enjoyable read, if somewhat
lacking in substance beyond a few interesting ideas not directly related to the
story being told.
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