I own a
lot of books. Most of them I’ve read. Many still that I haven’t. This second
year long project to help me work through my TBR shelf and to encourage me to
write stuff for SUR will focus on comics.
I’ve put
together a list of comics I’d like to read this year. I was going pick a number
and use that as my goal. Instead, I’ve made a list of all the comics I own that
I have yet to read and pick some from there. Here are the lists, sorted into
four categories.
Volume Series:
list is made up of series, mostly. Not necessarily complete series or complete
runs by a single creative team on a series, though many on this list will fit
that description. All I mean by series for the context of this project is any
comic that I own that has two or more volumes of it that are unread. Here is
that list, in no particular order:
Seven Soldiers of Victory, Books One and Two by Grant
Morrison et al
Swamp Thing, volumes 8 and 9 by Rick Veitch
Star Wars: Legacy, Books 1-3 by John Ostrander and
Jan Duursema (mostly)
Wasteland volumes 6-11 by Antony Johnston,
Christopher Mitten, et al
The Cartoon History of the Universe I, II, and III by Larry Gonick
Zenith: Phase One to Four by Grant Morrison and Steve
Casanova: Acedia, volumes 1 and 2 by Matt Fraction,
Gabriel Ba, and Fabio Moon
Southern Bastards, volumes 1 and 2 by Jason Aaron and
Jason Latour
Tokyo Ghost, volumes 1 and 2 by Rick Remender
and Sean Murphy
The Spirit, Books One and Two by Darwyn Cooke
Concrete, volumes 3 and 4 by Paul Chadwick
notice some of these start counting mid-series (Wasteland, Concrete,
etc.). This is because I’ve already read the preceding volumes. I may or may
not include them when writing about the above. It’s my blog so I make the
Most of
the comics on this particular list are short series or mini-series. However,
you will finda few random volumes that are part of a longer series. For the
purposes of this project, single volume comics simply mean any comic that I own
only a single volume of that is unread. Here is that list, in no particular
1) S.H.I.E.L.D. by Jim Steranko: The Complete
Collection by Jim Steranko
2) Crisis on Infinite Earths by Marv
Wolfman and George Perez
3) Blueberry: Intégrale, Tome 1 by
Jean-Michel Charlier (Moebius)
4) X-Men: Asgardian Wars by Chris Claremont
5) Spider-Man: The Death of Jean DeWolff by
Peter David
6) Batgirl/Robin: Year One by Chuck Dixon
7) Paleo: The Complete Collection by Jim
8) Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth
by Chris Ware
9) Jungle Book: Stories by P. Craig Russell
10) Rose by Jeff Smith and Charles Vess
11) Marvel Universe: The End by Jim Starlin
12) SIP Kids by Terry Moore
13) The Multiversity by Grant Morrison
14) The Wrenchies by Farel Dalrymple
15) Brighter Than You Think: 10 Short Works by Alan
Moore: With Critical Essays by Marc Sobel
16) Excalibur Epic Collection Vol. 1: The Sword
Is Drawn by Chris Claremont and Alan Davis
17) Jon Sable, Freelance by Mike Grell
18) Sisters by Raina Telgemeier
The next
two categories are a mixture of single volume comics and series comics. They’re
separated out for the mysterious reasons that while I consider them comics,
manga and comics that are part of the Mignola’s Hellboy and B.P.R.D.
universe tend to fall into different categories in my brain. I’ve labelled them
Bonus categories in order to heighten the sense of mystery. Or call it whimsy,
whatever you want.
- Five Manga volumes:
Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, Volume 13 by Fumi Yoshinaga
Ōoku: The Inner Chambers, Volume 14 by Fumi Yoshinaga
3) Bleach
(3-in-1 Edition), Vol. 4: Includes vols. 10, 11 & 12 by Tite Kubo
4) Vagabond, Volume 1 by Takehiko Inoue
Ode to Kirihito by Osamu Tezuka
- Five comics in Mignolaverse:
Sir Edward Grey, Witchfinder, Vol. 3: The Mysteries of Unland
Abe Sapien, Vol. 3: Dark & Terrible &
the New Race of Man
Abe Sapien, Vol. 4: The Shape of Things to
Lobster Johnson, Vol. 2: The Burning Hand
5) Abe Sapien, Vol. 5: Sacred Places
Now that
I’ve listed a ton of comics, let me explain what this project is about. It’s
about publically shaming myself into reading stuff I bought ages ago and
haven’t read yet. This isn’t about rereading, unless I’m rereading volumes of a
series that I haven’t finished reading in it’s entirely (again Wasteland). It’s that simple.
exercise, which will be repeated throughout the year, is to read one of the
comics listed above, then write about it for SUR. That’s it.
I want
to know if anybody else buys comics that they do not end up reading for a long
time. I think it’s more common with prose books (see another 2020 Blogging
Project forthcoming focusing on prose), but it happens just as much for me with
I want
to hear about your comics TBR of shame. Write me a comment or show us a picture
of your TBR pile/shelf.
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